Thursday, February 18, 2010


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh....I am so full of fucking rage. It is official. I cannot take this mother fucking KlonoFUCKIJNG I can't spe,.ll that fuck,king word....Klonopin...I can't takie this shit anyfuck,ing moree aswfophjaasdl; anymore. I AM FUCKING HOSTILE. The phone rings and I want to rip the piece of fuckiing shit off the mothe3r fucking wall. This is NOT FUCKING LIKE ME....I don't cuss like this. I am a sweeet person. I am loving and caring and cheerful even trhrough the midst of my deep depression....I don't break down like this............I don't use the word fuck and all I want to do it say it...and GD and break shit....I am moody, tearful, and FUCK

&&&&&&&&&&&Okay, I took a little break, 1/2 a 5mg valium, drank some RC, and did a little research. ***DAMN, MY HEAD HURTS*** It appears I should have most of the clonazepam out of my system within 30 days. I'm thinking it should be out in a couople of days and that I will feel better. I am prepared to take more valium in an effort to keep from having seizures (though I doubt I took enough of the clonazepam to cause seizures from withdrawal). I will call my doctor tomorrow though. (that would be the smart thing to do.)

I looked at the date on my bottle of clonazepam 1mg. The order was for 1-1mg tab twice daily. I filled it 11/04/09 and I still have 10 of them left. There were 60 in the bottle and I've only taken them regularly for the past 2 wks. I asked several of my friends and family members when they felt I started to change in behavior & they said it's been about two weeks. Coincidence???

Here's a little past history for ya. I've been having panic attacks for the past 11yrs or so off and on. In 2003 (or there abouts), I was having panic attacks daily. I was put on Zoloft which I later realized was making my panic attacks worse. Around 7 yrs ago, I had a doctor prescribe me Valium and Soma. Valium for the panic attacks & anxiety, and Soma for the jaw, head, and neck pain/tension. That combination was working fine, but the doctor thought it best to cut out the soma and add more valium so I would be taking fewer meds. This combo has been working alright for the past 7 friggen years. Yes, I still have what I consider to be tension headaches & I still suffer from depressed moods constantly, but I wasn't hostile like this....moody, but not hostile. Now this new doc decided to wean me off the valium (IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF NURSING SCHOOL) and add szome other fucking medsxzl...............)Ahhhhhhhhhhh...why FUCKL WITH SOMETHING THAT ISW WORKING. i AM NOT ABUSING THE MOTHER FUC,ING PILLS. I DON'T CALL AND ASKE FOR MOR E3PILLS,. I HAVE NEVER FJUCKIN G "LOST" MKY FUCK,ING PILLS,. OR NEEDED MORE THAN THE FUCKING AM9OUNT PRESCRIBED. ACTUALLY,. I USUALLY ALWAYS HAVE LEFT OVERS. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCKI YOU FUCK YOU YOU SORRY PIECE OF SHIT MOTHER FUCKING DRUG ABUSERS THAT HAVE CAUSED ALL THESE FUCKING DOCTUORS TO BE SZO FU7CKING SCARED TO GIVE PEOPLE THE FUCKING MOTHER FUCKING MEEDS THAT WO2RK FOR THEM. i DON'T FUCXKING NEED THIS SHIT.....NOT FUCKING NOWL. i WAS DOIJGN JUST FUXK,IJNG FINE SWITH MY MEDS....*i WAS DOING GOOD IN M,Y CLASSES....i AM FUCXK,ING USED TLO THIA MOTHER FUCXKING DEPRESSIONG AND CN DEQL WITH IT UNTIL i HAVE MY FUCXK9ING RN. why FUCK, WITH ME nowww????? NO right nj9ow I have not fuckikking sympathy for you piece of shit mother fucking crack head pill popping mother fuckers. YOU RUIN IT FOR ALLL THE FUCKING PEOOPLE THAT needx the3 fucking meds and use them therapeutically. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...WHAZT THE FUCK EVER.

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