Friday, February 19, 2010

A Hint of "Me" Coming Back!

Day 3 of Lamictal. I didn't take the Colozapam last night so that I can see if that's what is causing me to rage like Lou Farigno in "The Hulk". To my delight, I don't feel like a giant green monster today! I did sleep rather late though for going to bed so early. I slept from around 12 midnight to 1030am. I'm now the "Sleepy Monster". I feel so tired. I got up, took the Lamictal, ate a half a jar of chips & salsa and a grapefruit, made coffee, AND here I am...wallah!

I feel some deep depression. My clinical buddies in school would ask, "Are you a threat to yourself and others?" I would say, "I'm only a threat to a box o' twinkies". makes me feel better for a little while. It is especially helpful in getting rid of the tension headaches. I can eat & feel better for a whopping hour-headache free! If only it could last longer than that.

I have a table full of nursing books taunting me, "Read have a test on Tuesday". (No, I'm not hearing voices-that doesn't happen to me). I am so tired though. I feel so dragged down. The Hulk was probably pretty dang tired after raging for a day as well. That must be where it comes from-yesterday's rage. (Disclaimer-nothing was harmed in the rage. Then again, nobody was saved from catastrophe either like in the Hulk shows). Rage=worthless.
I am now going to go take some liquid B vitamin, a multivitamin, and a borage/fish/flaxseed oil pill. I need to find some energy or this pillow will meet my head quickly.
Hugs, Kisses, and all that cuddly stuff,


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